If this is your first TransWeek +
Welcome to the Family!
We understand how intimidating it can be to go out in public for the first time. Believe us; we do. We also know that fear is our enemy. There’s no need to be afraid in Provincetown. It’s one of the most accepting places on earth; that’s why TransWeek is held there! Since Fantasia Fair’s inception in 1975, hundreds of trans people have made their first appearance in public in Provincetown, and thousands have spent the entire week as the person they wish to be. Our attendees conquer their fear and have a great time, and you will, too! We’ve worked hard on resources to help Fair attendees. Feel free to avail yourself of them. When you finish reading this page, just bop on over to our Contacts page. You’ll find links in the various sections below, also.
Our Website
Be sure to visit the site every now and again to check for news and updates. That will keep you in the know.
Remember– the earlier you register, the lower the price! We have a discount for Canadian citizens, and a discount for spouses and significant others.
TransWeek on Facebook
Visit the Official TransWeek FaceBook Page
We also have a discussion group on Facebook. Please join. There you can chat with other Fair-goers. Don’t be shy. The other members will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Ask to join; A moderator will approve you within hours. You can visit the page by clicking on the Facebook symbol at the top or bottom of every page on this site, or by clicking the button below.
TransWeek on Twitter
Bulletin Board
Mentoring Program
Our mentoring program for significant others is facilitated by Jolie LaValle. Mentoring for trans and nonbinary attendees is facilitated by Tina Simmons. Tina and Jolie will compile a list of requests and assign appropriate mentors in September. When will be available to answer your questions and offer moral support in the weeks before the Fair.
Jolie and Tina will be announced at the orientation brunch and will be available there and throughout the Fair to offer emotional and social support, and, of course, advice, if you want it.
To request a mentor, check the appropriate box on the registration form, or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Monday Morning Orientation
On Monday morning, 8:30 am, plan to be at the Crown & Anchor, 161 Commercial Street for our sumptuous and leisurely orientation brunch. Sit at a table with others and introduce yourself, fill you plate at breakfast buffet, and chat with your newfound friends. After you eat, tour the tables, saying hello to others. It’s the perfect way to make others aware of you and sow the seeds of friendship.
Some time around ten, Dee LaValle will begin the orientation. She will introduce key personnel and go through the many activities of the Fair. Pay attention, and you’ll have the tools you need to plan a full and fulfilling Fantasia Fair.
When the orientation ends (about 11:15 am), a number of things will happen:
Volunteer Planning
A great way to meet people and dive right in is to volunteer. Its the ultimate ice breaker for yourself. Right after the presentation we will hold a brief meeting with Fairgoers who wish to give back to TransWeek. We need people to keep counts at lunches, collect tickets at our evening events, make deposits at the bank, and help us take down the TransWeek office on Saturday afternoon. Please consider attending! The meeting will take place in the Paramount Room
Meet Your Mentor
Second, mentoring program coordinators Jolie Lavalle and Tina Simmons, who will have been pointed out to you during the orientation, will meet with those who have asked for a mentor and those who have signed up to be mentors. You’ll be introduced to your mentor. This meeting will also take place in the Paramount Room. If you didn’t ask for a mentor but think you might want one, please attend. (We used to call our mentoring program our Big Brother / Big Sister program, but some attendees identify outside the binary. Mentor is non gender-specific and works for everyone.)
Walking Tour of Provincetown
At 11:30 am, Carrie Lopes will conduct a walking tour of Provincetown. The city has a fascinating history. Did you know the pilgrims’ first landing was less than a mile from where you just finished breakfast?
Significant Others Lunch
Partners and spouses of trans and gender-nonbinary attendees will meet at noon at the Lobster Pot Restaurant, 321 Commercial Street for a dutch treat lunch. Usually partners form a group and walk with coordinator Jolie LaValle from the Paramount Room.
If you arrived late on Sunday or early Monday, the TransWeek office will be open Monday from 11:45 am until 1:00 pm and 3:00 – 5:00 pm, and from 9:00 – 11:00 and 3:00 – 5:00 pm the rest of the week (closed Saturday afternoon, but please drop by to help tear down the office). The office is at the Boatslip Inn, 161 Commercial Street.
Morning Meet and Greets
Tuesday through Saturday, we feature morning meetings that can help orient first-time attendees. From 9:00 – 9:45 am there is a meet and greet for trans and nonbinary attendees of TransWeek, facilitated by Cody Suzuki and Tina Simmons and held in the Cabaret Room in the Crown & Anchor, 247 Commercial Street
Concurrent meet and greets for significant others, facilitated by Jolie LaValle, are held in Room 201 of the Crown & Anchor, 247 Commercial Street. Just go up the ramp and take the stairs or elevator upstairs. Room 201 is at the top of the stairs, to the left.
Both meetings are great places for first-timers to meet and get to know returning attendees, and vice-versa. We will have coffee service at both of the meet and greets.
Note: Friends of Bill W. meetings also run concurrently, but are a bit longer, ending at 9:55. They’re held across the street from the Crown & Anchor in the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 236 Commercial Street.
The Pink Fog

The Always Entirely Serious Liz Winter Displays Her Prize at the Silent Auction.
The Pink Fog is a term historically used by TransWeek to describe a state of exuberance exhibited by many first-time attendees. Being free to be the person you have always wanted to be, for an entire week and in complete freedom, is empowering and exhilarating. Many attendees, and especially first-timers, return home in a state of rapture. Our Pink Fog workshops discuss this state of bliss and suggest a cooling-off period before making life-altering personal decisions.
Long-time attendee Liz Winter will be facilitating a workshop on the subject. Lost in the Pink Fog, is scheduled for Saturday, October 23, from 3:00 – 4:30.
Liz will describe the pink fog and its effects and encourage attendees to describe feelings that have arisen during the Fair.
The pink fog affects transmen and nonbinary genderfolk just the same as it affects transgender women. We know it’s not an appropriate name, and will soon be renaming it, but you have to admit it’s pretty cool. We mean no disrespect as we continue to use the name as we try to come up with an equally cool and more socially correct term. Thank you for bearing with us.