Couples at TransWeek
TransWeek has a long and proud tradition of honoring the spouses, partners, and families of transgender and gender non confirming people– those who support us in our everyday activities, despite of and sometimes because of who we are.
Over the years, TransWeek’s Couples and SO programming has grown better and more intensive. Part of this growth includes therapist-led sessions focused specifically on the trans-person who is in an active relationship whether their significant partner is attending the fair or not. The SO track has also seen new programming focused on intimacy, led by a board certified Clinical Social Worker/Sex-Therapist. The number of couples’ sessions has increased to provide smaller, fast paced, focused discussions while increasing the sharing opportunities for each couple. All of this is possible due to the gracious commitment from two long-time friends of the fair, Psychologist Maureen Osborne and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Carole MacKenzie.

Psychologist Maureen Osborne (in white blouse) and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Carole MacKenzie (in pink scarf) will facilitate the partner/significant other track.