This page reflects presenters at our 2018 event. We will soon be adding 2019 speakers. Please check back!
Fantasia Fair doesn’t have just one or two keynotes– we have six!
Keynotes are held Monday through Saturday at 1:30 pm in the Cabaret Room at the Crown & Anchor at 257 Commercial Street in Provincetown. They are heavily attended by Fairgoers and are free to townspeople and visitors.
We are proud to announce 2018’s great keynote speakers:
Monday, October 15
Robyn and Audri Bazlen-Weglarz
Innkeepers, Admiral’s Landing, Provincetown
So, You Want to Live in Ptown?
Robyn and Audri will discuss the realities of buying a business, employment, housing, cost of living, and the social and economic aspects of Provincetown. We will share our story and experiences of how we navigated them and settled into our lives here.
Tuesday, October 16
Aaron H. Devor, Ph.D.
Research Chair in Transgender Studies
Founder and Academic Director, Transgender Archive
University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
The world’s only Chair in Transgender Studies and the World’s Largest Transgender Archives: What Are They and How Did They Happen?
What is the Chair in Transgender Studies? Why is it important to have a transgender archive? How did all of this end up at the University of Victoria, of all places? These two singular resources were decades in the making. Aaron Devor, the founder and first holder of the Chair in Transgender Studies and the founder and Academic Director of the Transgender Archives, will talk about what the Chair and the Archives do, and will provide some of the history and context for how the Archives and the Chair came into being.
Wednesday, October 17
We’re sorry to announce Hera will not be delivering a keynote address as planned. Last-minute issues have forced her to cancel. She’ll be around, however. She’ll be doing her makeup class as planned and is in charge of decorations for the Pioneer Award Banquet on Tuesday evening.
In Hera’s absence, Madeline and Cindy Marquardt will be presenting.
Wednesday, October 17
Madeline and Cindy Marquardt
President and Vice President of Ephektiv, Inc.
Resilience–A Key to Our Successful Transition
Transitioning as an individual and as a couple triggers pressure, stress and at times an overload of emotions. Resilience, a learned skill, and ability play an essential role in people’s ability to effectively cope and quickly bounce back from adversity and life’s challenges. Madeline, who has over 30 years of experience in helping leaders learn to manage personal and organizational change will explain resilience and share ideas about how to build it. She will be joined by her wife to share how resilience played a key role in maintaining their marriage while Madeline completed her transition to a transgender woman.
Thursday, October 18
Gerri Cannon
Candidate, Somersworth (NH) School Board At-Large
Candidate for State Representative!
Gerri is candidate for State Representative in New Hampshire and newly elected member of the Somersworth, New Hampshire School Board. Gerri became the eighth transperson in the US to win a public election last November. Gerri is a longtime activist and supporter for LGBT rights. Gerri transitioned at age 45; she faced many challenges and obstacles in her personal life and career. A career that began as a technology executive, to a business owner, to a truck driver and finally as an elected official. Come and hear how she overcame the numerous challenges in her life, including her accounts on being on the campaign trail.
Friday, October 19
Mason Dunn
Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition
The Massachusetts Transgender Anti-Discrimination Veto Referendum:
Vote Yes on 3!
Much has changed in the landscape of trans rights over the past ten years. Here in Massachusetts, we’ve gone from limited legal rights on the books to achieving historic wins in the State House, and, now, impending challenges at the ballot box this November. We’ll discuss the history of this movement, but more importantly, how we plan to defend our rights, and where we go from here. Now is the time to get involved—we have so much to gain and everything to lose.
Saturday, October 20
Tony Ferraiolo
Certified Life-Coach/Motivational Speaker
Energize your Journey by Empowering YOUR Truth!
For many, the revelation of being gender variant in today’s society can be an overwhelming and isolating experience. Finding the energy to overcome the obstacles, doubts and fears in embracing this truth can be even more daunting. Certified Life Coach and motivational speaker Tony Ferraiolo knows this all too well. Come and hear Tony outline techniques he developed to break free from the bonds of negative energy that surrounded his journey to become a lightning rod for others to do the same. Tony will show you how to harness the power of positive thinking, utilize effective self-care and learn how to develop compassion, kindness and empathy. You are guaranteed to leave with a renewed sense of power over walking YOUR truth! It all starts with you!