We are transgender people, professionals who work with transgender people, and spouses, families, and friends of transgender people. We are physicians, mental health professionals, attorneys, educators, executives, pilots, chefs, factory workers, fishermen, farmers, you name it. We are healthy and unashamed, and we have been putting on this fabulous one-week event called TransWeek (formally known as Fantasia Fair) every year since 1975.

52 Weeks a Year
Planning for TransWeek begins more than one year out. People from all walks of life work hard all year long to build a flawless and inexpensive TransWeek. There’s a lot to do, and doing it is immensely satisfying!
During TransWeek, volunteers staff the office, collect tickets, see to the needs of presenters, update the schedule, set up video equipment, take deposits to the bank, manage the Fashion Show and Follies, introduce speakers, and do a dozen and more other things. TransWeek would not be possible without them.
TransWeek attendees volunteer for all sorts of tasks, from taking tickets at lunches and evening events to making bank runs to helping in the office. Our volunteer team, coordinated by Sibil Greiner, changes from year-to-year, but is essential for keeping TransWeek running smoothly.
Volunteering is a great way to overcome your fears and get to know people. Please consider helping us out!

Professionals Donate Their Time
TransWeek would not be the TransWeek without its professionals. Psychologist Maureen Osborne and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Carole MacKenzie work throughout the week with partners of trans people and trans people themselves. Carolyn Wolf-Gould is the medical director of the Gender Wellness Center in Oneonta, NY. She runs the writing workshop, a space for exploring the written word as a way to build community with one another during TransWeek. Provincetown’s Dan McKeon takes professional photographs. Attendees with experience in a variety of industries provide their assistance as well
The Committee
The Planning Committee works throughout the year to plan and implement TransWeek. The committee maintains this website, publishes the Participants Guide and other TransWeek-related materials, manages registrations, solicits and selects speakers for the many workshops, sells ads, and publicizes TransWeek. They coordinate these many tasks by participating in bi-weekly telephone conferences.
In May, members of the committee travel to Provincetown to negotiate and sign contracts for banquets, lunches, and meeting space.
During TransWeek, the committee has hundreds of tasks, the most important of which are greeting and registering arriving attendees, staffing the TransWeek office, holding a welcoming reception on Monday, making sure meal counts are accurate, and depositing proceeds in the bank.
Jennifer’s first Fair was in 2019. She has been a planning committee member since 2021. Not being an out or transitioning trans woman, Jennifer has made the most of, and enjoyed immensely, attending trans gatherings for the past decade and being herself.
In addition to the Fair, she’s attended First Event and more recently Keystone.
Jennifer is the 2025 TransWeek Event Director
Dee LaValle
Dee LaValle is from Massachusetts and has been a TransWeek attendee since 2015. Dee was named the TransWeek Executive Director back in 2018 and this event will be the seventh she has led. She was honored to receive the Fantasia Fair Award in 2021. Dee works for an international multimedia corporation. Dee has served on her company’s DEI task force and as a board of director for its PRIDE employee resource group. She has been honored to promote LGBTQIA+ awareness throughout her company. She and her spouse are proud parents to two young adult children. She is also a proud grandparent to two black kittens who with her adult black cat joined forces to continue to plot Dee’s demise. Dee enjoys skiing with her children in the winter. Since her spouse despises snow, they enjoy traveling in months that are snow-free.
Dee is the TransWeek Executive Director.
Lauren is originally from the Midwest, but has spent most of her life in Georgia. She is married to a great guy and has been blessed with two kids. Her older child is part of the LGBTQ+ community, as are her parents.
Lauren attended her first FF in 2021 to support her parent, as she is a proud advocate and supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. She fell in love with the attendees, the atmosphere, and the acceptance so much that she knew she wanted to return, join in, and help as much as possible.
Lauren was a member of the welcome committee in 2022
Janice is a retired software release engineer for the Smithsonian Chandra X-ray telescope project. She plays multiple instruments with varying degrees of proficiency, more recently concentrating on keyboards / organ.
Her other hobbies include playing Poker and Duplicate bridge where she is a certified club director by the ACBL and substitute on call for the MIT/DL bridge clubs and the Winchester. She also enjoys bicycle riding, having done tours of the US and Scotland.
Janice is still in the process of coming out as trans as she slowly puts the puzzle pieces of her life together. She is grateful for all the support she has received thus far in her journey.
Janice joined the Planning Committee in 2024.
Nico first attended TransWeek in 2024 with their partner. Best friends since childhood and married since 2007, they are both nonbinary and transmasculine, on parallel journeys to living authentically. Nico lives on the South Shore (Massachusetts) with their partner, sibling-in-law, two cats, and a dog. They work in higher education as an instructional technologist, with a background in graphic design and interest in LGBTQIA+ history and advocacy. They enjoy hiking, science fiction, gaming, and trying new vegan spots.
Liz Stigers
Liz, who also goes by Ann, has been attending TransWeek since 2019 with her spouse Dena Stigers. She works as a medical technologist in Boston’s North Shore by day, and enjoys retreating from reality into science fiction and Netflix K-dramas by night. She edits our newsletter.
Dena Stigers
Dena grew up in Michigan, Illinois, and Oklahoma before moving with her partner and three children to Massachusetts in 1994, where they would have three more children. She first attended TransWeek in 2019 with her partner Liz. Having lived an apparently cis het life all her many adult years, Dena suddenly questioned her gender expression during a season of personal growth. Her partner Liz searched the web for a safe opportunity to explore gender expression, and found TransWeek. They attended the couple’s track together. They would return together in 2021, 2022, and 2024. Dena began her social transition in 2022, and now lives full time. She helps maintain our website.